5 Blogging Bits for Your Business
After all of the hard work of getting a company off the ground — from setting up inventory and fine-tuning services, to hiring employees and creating a website through the help of a digital marketing firm such as Kaufer DMC – businesses need to be sure they are doing everything they can to attract and […]
Know the Perils of These ID Theft Scams
A generation ago, scams came to our doors via mail including details on pyramid schemes or get-rich-quick plots. Today, the same scams arrive at our digital doorstep, but they’ve hidden their intention so that you have no idea what you’re getting into. ID Analytics suggests that no less than 10 thousand different identity theft rings […]
Will Google Glass Completely Change Mobile Photography?
As we inch closer to the 2014 release date for Google Glass—the search giant’s innovative new “smart glasses”—tech journalists and app developers are going wild with reviews, articles and ideas for third-party applications for the wearable technology. One of Glass’s touted features is its ability to take high-resolution pictures and videos. These first-person images and […]
5 Digital Marketing Trends You Can’t Afford to Ignore
Digital marketing is one area where it pays to stay current. The Web is changing at a lightning pace, and business owners cannot afford to be left behind. There is a flip side to this rate of change, though. If you spend too much time paying close attention to the flitting changes in digital marketing, […]