Why buying from independent retailers is better for your local economy [Infographic]
by flapjackmedia. Explore more infographics like this one on the web’s largest information design community – Visually.
Green Workplace? Here Are 3 Innovative Ways to Work More Sustainably
Even though my GreenForGood days are behind me, I still try to look for ways to live (and work) more sustainably. Whether you work from home, own a business or are the head of a massive corporation, there are always new and innovative ways to work more sustainably. Here are three ingenious and money-saving strategies […]
Help Kickstart Eco-Friendly Xeko’s Launch As New Online Game
Have you heard of Kickstarter? It’s this very cool online tool that allows start-up companies to raise money online. It’s the ultimate crowd-source utility for entrepreneurs (and something I wish existed 5 years ago when I was trying to launch GreenforGood.com). A few years ago (when I was working on GreenforGood and heaviliy involved in […]