Sunday’s swim lesson (for me – not Stone)
He didn’t want to go. He was adamant. “No swimming! No swim team!” I tried to cajole him by telling him it’d be fun. He repeated it louder this time – an inflection in his voice to make his point. “No swim TEEEEAM.” Crossing my arms I sighed and considered the options. For the past […]
Challenging the Edmonds School District’s Challenge Program
I admit it: I’m a proud father. But when you have a son who counted to 100 at the age of 2, studied and understood the US highway system at the age of 4, and explained weather patterns to teachers in 2nd grade, you know you have a pretty special kid on your hands. Every […]
Carrying vs. Pushing (Parenting)
One of the bigger challenges I feel I face as a parent is trying to balance between pushing the twins out of their comfort zones and encouraging independence – while also trying to be supportive and provide an emotional safety net for them. And I know that as they get older, this won’t get any […]
Adventures with summer camps
This is the third year we’ve had to plan for summer activities for Ty and Stone between school years. The past two years we’ve enrolled Ty in a summer-long camp that is managed by the City of Edmonds and he’s really enjoyed it. They do a mixture of activities ranging from explorations along the waterfront […]