Stone completes developmental kindergarten!

Stone’s developmental kindergarten had a special celebration today to mark the completion of the school year for the kids. Stone received a special certificate as well as a book showcasing his work during the year from his very thoughtful teachers. He made a lot of progress this school year – so much so he will […]

A Father’s Day Post (and Thank You to Dad)

Since I started this blog a few years ago, I’ve had an opportunity to share about many parts of my life – and thank many of the people who have had an impact on it – but up until now, I haven’t given my Dad his proper due. So it’s only appropriate that on Father’s […]

Autism Parenting: Sometimes Success Comes In Small Steps

I wrote earlier this week about some of the challenges that come with being a parent of a child with autism – and promised a lighter post later that focuses more on the positive aspects that come from the experience as well. I can honestly say that even with the challenges that come with Autism, […]

Autism Parenting: A Day In The Life

Being the parent of a child on the Autism spectrum is always very interesting. Of course being a parent of any child is interesting, but there are many details and nuances that come with autism that most of us would never think about – until we’re faced with trying to raise a child on the […]