I wrote earlier about how excited I was to take Ty to his first San Francisco Giants game when they were in town over Father’s Day weekend to play the Mariners. Being able to share that experience with my own Dad (who took me to my first Giants game 40 years ago) made the experience that much more special.

Ty surprised me in so many ways that day. First, he was thoroughly into the whole experience and never once asked “is it almost over yet?” He seemed to really enjoy it when I would try to explain to him different aspects of the game or show him nuances of the stadium. He had his own set of curious questions throughout the afternoon and game – so it was great to see him enjoying the experience.

Second, I discovered that he clearly inherited and adopted the same level of passion for the Giants that I had when I was younger. The game was tense and exciting throughout as the teams played to a 1-1 tie heading into the bottom of the 9th. The M’s got three timely hits to win the game and the crowd went wild. As I leaned down to lead Ty out of the stadium, I saw tears pouring down his face and he was crying hysterically – he was devastated the Giants lost. I picked him up and carried him out of the stadium as he continued to wail – some Mariner fans said they almost felt bad cheering so loud seeing Ty so sad.

But he got over the loss (as we all do eventually) and later told me he had a great time and can’t wait to go to more games in the future.

Here is a quick photo essay that showcases that great day.

Three generations of Giants fans together at the ballpark!
It was a beautiful day at Safeco - temperature in the 60s and plenty of sunshine throughout the game (the rain held off until later in the evening, thankfully)
It was great sharing the day with my own Father - who is responsible for me being a lifelong Giants fan
Ty enjoyed his seat next to the field (in the right field corner). The Mariners allowed fans to walk along the perimeter of the field before the game (we didn't do it because Ty was a little nervous about the whole situation)
Ty and I our seats, getting ready for the game!
Ty enjoyed meeting the Mariner Moose!
We took our time before the game, checking out the stadium. Here Ty and I pose in front of a fountain near the kids play area.
Our first stop was a Pro Sports Merchandise store - where we bought Ty a new Giants cap and Buster Posey Giants jersey

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