Stone and His Scooter

Even though Stone and I have always had a very strong bond and connection, it’s been a challenge finding activities that we could truly share together. But a recent development has opened a new opportunity for us to do just that. A few months ago I noticed Stone started messing around a bit on the […]

My Thoughts About Autism Awareness Day 2013

As you may already know, today is “Light it up blue” for Autism Awareness Day. April is also considered Autism Awareness Month. There has been considerable publicity leading up to this day and many people are participating on social media by sharing photos, changing their avatars and posting information about Autism. I’ve also seen numerous […]

Road Trip! Family St. Paddy’s Day Weekend in Portland

Ty and his friend enjoy dinner with his Grandma and Aunt Lynette at dinner friday night

Ty had been bugging Renee and I for a return trip to Portland since early January – he really loved it when we went down there for Thanksgiving. He especially loved staying in a hotel that had an indoor swimming pool – as well as the excitement that comes with going out to new restaurants […]

Ty Transitions from “Drop the puck” to “Play Ball”

Last weekend marked the conclusion of Ty’s second season playing junior hockey, and it was a very fun and successful season and experience for him. After participating in evaluation skating workshops in September, Ty was assigned to the “Mighty Mites” group. This consisted of 6-8 year olds who advanced past the Rink Rats (which is […]