Adventures with summer camps

This is the third year we’ve had to plan for summer activities for Ty and Stone between school years. The past two years we’ve enrolled Ty in a summer-long camp that is managed by the City of Edmonds and he’s really enjoyed it. They do a mixture of activities ranging from explorations along the waterfront […]

Stone’s first Mariners game – another positive baby step

One of the joys of being a parent is experiencing “first” experiences with your kids. You’re never quite sure what to expect in many cases and this is especially so when you have a child on the spectrum. Being the sports nut that I am, I was always excited to share a trip to a […]

Losing My Hockey Virginity

I often get asked how or why I got Ty involved with junior hockey when I have no previous experience myself. The reason I usually give is that when the twins were toddlers, I met a Dad at a networking event who had sons now in college. We were talking about all of the organized […]

Keeping It Real: When Autism Bites

The majority of my posts and updates about Stone tend to be positive and optimistic – I love sharing the notes emailed to us from his teachers and therapists that showcase some of the progress he’s made in any given area – no matter how small. And the response I receive from this sharing is […]