Oh what a year! Some highlights from my 2012

As the year comes to a close it’s time to look back at the previous 12 months and look at all that it brought to me and my life. As is the case with most years, it was full of surprises, challenges, laughter and a few tears. But overall it was a good year and […]

How Healthy Is Competition?

Renee, Ty and I were watching today’s Seahawks-Bears playoff game when Chicago struck first on a Jay Cutler to Greg Olson 58 yard touchdown pass on their first possession. Ty suddenly broke out crying and starting yelling, “no touchdown! No touchdown for Bears!” He was really upset and I as I tried to explain to […]

Welcome Brodie!

A couple of months ago I wrote about my experience with dogs and mentioned that after the heartbreak of losing 2 dogs within 3 months in 2007,  I thought we might be ready for another dog to join our family. Well, I’m happy to report that we do indeed have a new addition to the […]