5 Digital Marketing Trends You Can’t Afford to Ignore
Digital marketing is one area where it pays to stay current. The Web is changing at a lightning pace, and business owners cannot afford to be left behind. There is a flip side to this rate of change, though. If you spend too much time paying close attention to the flitting changes in digital marketing, […]
What Does The Rebirth of Flickr Mean for Marketing?
Guest post by Kelsey Kaufman, our awesome Kaufer DMC Account Coordinator! You might have seen the headlines: “Is Facebook Already Making Instagram Uncool?” “Flickr grows as Instagram support looms.” And, “11 reasons why Flickr is (and always has been) better than Instagram” (to name but a few) It was a tough month for Instagram as users […]
Are You Missing the Social Media Boat?
Only 50% of Fortune 500 Companies Use Social Media Are You Missing the Social Media Boat? Thanks to its cost-effectiveness, it is second nature for many startups to utilize social media channels (including blogging, Facebook, and Twitter, among others) to build publicity and nurture customer relationships. And while many major brands have also jumped on […]
Social Media Marketing: What Makes Women Tick (Online)?
It’s no secret that many marketers have tried to use social media as a tool to reach, influence and engage with women (given their powerful purchasing power), but until recently it’s been difficult to determine which social media platforms are most effective in this manner. However, the recent rise of Pinterest has positioned it as […]