Social Media Marketing: How 7 Ways Cable Channels Should Use Pinterest

What’s the hottest social networking site around right now? It’s not Facebook or Twitter, but a rapidly-growing picture and video-sharing site known as Pinterest. So, what’s so special about Pinterest to make it capture 11 million views a month, and already have over 10 million active users? All the numbers come together on Arik Hansen’s […] Hacker Crisis – Social Media To Rescue?

Hackers and spam are certainly not new in the digital world. I know that personally I seem to receive dozens of “phishing” attempts weekly via my various email accounts.  But this morning I received a new kind of phishing attempt – a very official-looking email confirming an order placed to (see below). Of course […]

10 Tips To Market Your Business With Social Media Site Pinterest

Adding to the popular ranks of Facebook and Twitter comes the white hot social networking site Pinterest. According to TechCrunch, Pinterest is the fastest growing social media site in history (yes, even faster than Facebook!). And like other social media platforms, Pinterest (when used properly), can be used as a powerful, and free, marketing tool for businesses by […]