“Speech Can Suck It”

We previously shared that Stone has been working on some fun writing projects – including songwriting. We’re proud to share his first song “Speech can suck it.” It still needs official music written for it (he’s thinking of a punk rock kind of sound) so if you have any connections to Green Day or other […]

Stone’s Spelling Successes Soar

What a year it’s been!! Last year on this date I shared with the world about the incredible communication breakthrough we had experienced with our son Stone. We were only 4 months into the journey and it really was just the tip of the iceberg in terms of learning about his capabilities, thoughts and dreams. […]

Class of ’83 Reflections: Four Decades Later

It blows me away that it’s been 40 years since I graduated from high school. 40 years!!  I am a member of the class of 1983. And while that world of the early 80s does seem like a lifetime ago it just doesn’t seem possible that it’s been four decades since I was wondering what […]