Demolition derby: leaving puppy Brodie home alone for the weekend

Last Friday I packed the family and drove to Vancouver, Washington to spend the weekend with my Dad and his wife for Father’s Day. This was a trip that was originally scheduled for Memorial Day weekend but we postponed it once we learned our Au Pair was going to be in Vancouver the same time. […]

Five Year Old Twin Boys + 7 Month Old Puppy = Chaos Redefined

Because life wasn’t chaotic enough raising five year old twin boys (with one on the Autism spectrum) while working full-time, my wife Renee and I decided to add a puppy to the mix last December. Yes, we ARE gluttons for punishment. I blogged earlier about Brodie joining our family, as well as our experience with […]

Welcome Brodie!

A couple of months ago I wrote about my experience with dogs and mentioned that after the heartbreak of losing 2 dogs within 3 months in 2007,  I thought we might be ready for another dog to join our family. Well, I’m happy to report that we do indeed have a new addition to the […]