Autism Playtime and Interaction

I’ve written before about how progress and development is measured differently when you have a child on the Autism spectrum. With Stone, this has held true with everything from potty training to riding a bike. One of the more interesting areas to observe (and encourage) is in the area of social interaction with others. Like […]

Oh what a year! Some highlights from my 2012

As the year comes to a close it’s time to look back at the previous 12 months and look at all that it brought to me and my life. As is the case with most years, it was full of surprises, challenges, laughter and a few tears. But overall it was a good year and […]

Is Autism Something That Needs To Be “Cured?”

I have written quite a bit about Stone and our adventures with Autism. And I’ve also talked a lot about the various therapies we’ve had him in as well as the supplements and other treatments we’ve tried – all in an attempt to help him improve his speech and social development. In some therapy offices […]