Special Santa Visit

One of the great holiday traditions for most American families is a visit with Santa Claus – an opportunity for children to share their Christmas wish list and immerse themselves in the pageantry of lights, decorations, elves and reindeer. Given how in-demand the typical Santa usually is, kids don’t have much time with him and […]

What’s it like raising a 5 year old with Autism?

Autism is now so pervasive – and awareness has been raised so much – that its safe to say that nearly every American adult now has some connection to it. It may be a co-worker, relative or friend – but chances are they know someone who has a child who is on the spectrum. I […]

New research Links Autism and Environmental factors

In case you missed it (and this would have been easy to do given most of the media coverage occurred on July 4th), a study conducted by UCSF revealed that while genetics account for 38 percent of the risk of autism, environmental factors account for 63 percent. The study was conducted on 192 pairs of […]

What Father’s Day Meant To Me

{EAV_BLOG_VER:e2774a93db03a620} I know this is well after the fact, but I’ve had the chance to reflect upon Father’s Day and its significance to me as both a Dad and a son. Even though there are some who may dismiss it as a Hallmark greeting, I do think it’s an important day – but its not […]