AutismAid’s Ambitious Goal: Unifying and Supporting National Autism Community

AutismAid, an ambitious new non-profit organization was formally announced early today by Founders Tim Welsh, a longtime Autism advocate known as @TannersDad on Twitter,  and Lawrence Goldfarb, a successful businessman, founder of LRG Capital Group and Bay Area Autism activist. I’ve known Tim via Twitter for more than three years now, and he debriefed me […]

Christmas, Twins and Autism

Anyone with kids knows how special Christmas and the holidays are for children. It really is fun to experience the season through their eyes – and to see the joy on their faces when they receive a long-desired (or surprise) gift. As is the case with so many aspects of having twins – with one […]

Friday Night Swarm – Progress and Hope With Stone

Many people saw my Facebook and Twitter update last Friday night, when I posted: With #Autism, sometimes milestones come in small increments. But sometimes you get a swarm. Tonight was a swarm nite w/Stone. Progress & hope! I’ve had a few people ask what transpired that night that inspired my optimism, so here is a […]