“The Greater Good” Documentary Tackles Complex Vaccination Topic

As the parent to a 6 year old diagnosed on the Autism Spectrum Disorder (or ASD), I’m certainly no stranger to the topic of vaccinations and their potential role in the explosive rise in Autism diagnosis in the US over the past 20 years. It was a topic I was familiar with when the twins […]

Stone completes developmental kindergarten!

Stone’s developmental kindergarten had a special celebration today to mark the completion of the school year for the kids. Stone received a special certificate as well as a book showcasing his work during the year from his very thoughtful teachers. He made a lot of progress this school year – so much so he will […]

Autism Parenting: Sometimes Success Comes In Small Steps

I wrote earlier this week about some of the challenges that come with being a parent of a child with autism – and promised a lighter post later that focuses more on the positive aspects that come from the experience as well. I can honestly say that even with the challenges that come with Autism, […]

Autism Parenting: A Day In The Life

Being the parent of a child on the Autism spectrum is always very interesting. Of course being a parent of any child is interesting, but there are many details and nuances that come with autism that most of us would never think about – until we’re faced with trying to raise a child on the […]