Autism and Sleep Deprivation

Note: I’m writing this blog post at 4:30 am. Being awake this time of night is not unusual (unfortunately). One of the common issues faced by parents of kids with autism is sleep deprivation. For some reason, sleepless nights often seem to come with raising a child with Autism. And parents everywhere search for answers. […]

New World of Pediatric Dentistry

Does anyone remember ever going to a pediatric dentist as a kid? Such things didn’t exist for my generation growing up. I think we all went to the same type of dentist – whichever one mom and/or dad were already seeing (or insurance covered). I remember the dentist office I visited for years in Concord, […]

Busting Autism Myths – Affection and Interaction

Like most people, I really didn’t know a lot about Autism before learning about it first hand through Stone. But I’ve learned a ton – and continue to learn – through books, websites and of course personal experience. Although Autism awareness is gradually growing among the general population, I think that many perceptions are still […]

Happy Birthday to my Twin Tornadoes

So Friday (today) is the 5th birthday of Stone and Ty – our not-so-little (anymore) infamous Twin Tornadoes. At nearly 5 am on Saturday, November 19, 2005 they each entered our world and of course, life hasn’t been the same since. Every parent knows that parenthood itself is an adventure one is never truly prepared […]