Throwback Thursday: Long-time Duck Friends Kelly and Cami
I consider myself very fortunate to have so many friendships that have literally spanned decades. From childhood and elementary school friends in Walnut Creek, California to college friends I met in Eugene, Oregon, I have a collection of incredibly funny, smart and loyal friends who I wouldn’t trade for the world. And even though life […]
A Tribute To Sparky
I can’t remember where it came from, or when I started calling him it, but “Sparky” just seemed like the perfect nickname – even though his personality and demeanor was anything but that. He was poised, polished and very even-keel. He was, after all, our Vice President of Investor Relations so he was used to […]
Oh what a year! Some highlights from my 2012
As the year comes to a close it’s time to look back at the previous 12 months and look at all that it brought to me and my life. As is the case with most years, it was full of surprises, challenges, laughter and a few tears. But overall it was a good year and […]
Revisiting My Vision Quest Adventure 20 Years Later – Part 3 (Paris)
Now that I had Paris as a new target, I began cycling west of Brussels. I haven’t written too much about the actual cycling but up to this point in my trip, it really had gone about as well as I could have expected. Of course, it helped that I began my journey cycling through […]