Happy 7th Birthday To Our Twin Tornados!

This blog post is dedicated to my incredible twin tornados, Stone and Ty. Happy birthday guys! I can’t believe another year has flown by and you’re already turning 7 years old while tearing through first grade! There really are not words to describe how much I love both of you and how proud I am […]

“The Greater Good” Documentary Tackles Complex Vaccination Topic

As the parent to a 6 year old diagnosed on the Autism Spectrum Disorder (or ASD), I’m certainly no stranger to the topic of vaccinations and their potential role in the explosive rise in Autism diagnosis in the US over the past 20 years. It was a topic I was familiar with when the twins […]

Flying Over Seattle With Ty and Dad

On Father’s Day weekend I had a special surprise for Dad (who drove up for the weekend). I had arranged for a private 30 minute flight over Seattle for he, Ty and I on Saturday. Actually, the flight was originally intended for Renee and her parents over the Christmas holiday, but the weather never cooperated […]

Three Generations of Giants Fans – A Father’s Day To Remember!

I wrote earlier about how excited I was to take Ty to his first San Francisco Giants game when they were in town over Father’s Day weekend to play the Mariners. Being able to share that experience with my own Dad (who took me to my first Giants game 40 years ago) made the experience […]