What is ADHD? [Infographic]

I usually blog about Autism-related issues so this Infographic caught my eye. Many children diagnosed on the Autism spectrum also receive ADHD diagnosis as well. Even though Stone doesn’t have the formal diagnosis, we do struggle with him maintaining his attention and focus. There are many assumptions when it comes to ADHD and I think […]

Close to our hearts: Dinner with a former Au Pair

Tonight we had the pleasure of having dinner with one of our first Au Pairs, Kookai. Now living in Connecticut and married, Kookai was actually Au Pair number 2 for us – yet in so many ways set our expectations super high for future Au Pairs. We’ve had 8 Au Pairs since the twins were […]

Honoring Mikaela and Owen

In my last post, I wrote about the bittersweet moments that come with parenting a child with Autism. And as I usually try to do, I focused on an positive aspect – the great joy that comes from a developmental step – even a minor one. Tragically, today there are two families who will be […]