The power of pets

I was up early this morning – for some reason Stone decided to wake up at 2 am – so I had a lot of time to read articles online. One headline caught my eye  (With pets as ‘part of the family’ grief hits hard when they pass) and the article tugged at my heartstrings […]

Time for Ty

I’ve spent a good deal of time using my blog and Facebook to provide updates about Stone and the issues we face regarding his Autism. Of course, he has a twin brother Ty – and as often happens when there is a child in a family who has special needs, it’s sometimes easy to overlook […]

Stone update – June 30, 2010

It’s been about 6 weeks since my last Stone update so I thought this would be a good time for a quick post. The big news in June has been POTTY TRAINING! Yes, even though he is 4 1/2 years old , Stone has had to continue wearing pull-ups to take care of business. This […]

Stone Update – May 19, 2010

First, I truly want to thank the many people who have offered their support and encouragement to Stone via this blog and my Facebook updates. It has provided me with a lot of much-needed strength and resolve to continue helping Stone in any way possible. It’s now been 3 months since I wrote about Stone’s […]