End of an era: preschool ends and kindergarten beckons…

We’re well into June – which means it’s nearly the end of the school year for kids of all ages. In our case it marks the end of an era as the twins will be leaving preschool and entering Kindergarten in September. I remember about 10 years ago (obviously well before I was a parent […]

Five Year Old Twin Boys + 7 Month Old Puppy = Chaos Redefined

Because life wasn’t chaotic enough raising five year old twin boys (with one on the Autism spectrum) while working full-time, my wife Renee and I decided to add a puppy to the mix last December. Yes, we ARE gluttons for punishment. I blogged earlier about Brodie joining our family, as well as our experience with […]

My Mother’s Day Tradition

Ever since the twins were toddlers, whenever I asked Renee what she wanted for Mother’s Day, she’s always said she’d like a day alone without having to worry about work, household chores and taking care of the boys. So the past few years the guys and I have started a tradition of hanging out together […]

10 women, 1 man and me: My first Autism parent support group experience

Last Thursday for the first time in my life, I attended a support group. Organized by the Seattle Children’s Autism Center, the support group was for parents of children with autism. They started the group a year or two ago and initially held meetings on the last Thursday evening of each month. Knowing that childcare […]