Stone swimming – his first lesson went great!

Earlier this week I wrote about Stone’s new swim lessons and how important they are to him, given the problems some kids with Autism have had with wandering and drowning. Thursday was Stone’s first scheduled swim lesson, and I was admittedly nervous leading up to the lesson. I had arranged for him to have private […]

Wandering, Drowning and Autism

Ever since we received the diagnosis about Stone’s autism, I’ve thrown myself headfirst into research mode, reading as much as I can about treatment options, parenting strategies and news related to autism. Unfortunately, the news surrounding autism is not always very good. For awhile I had my Google News Alerts set with Autism as a […]

Autism Awareness Month And Music Lessons For Stone

Did you know that April is Autism Awareness Month? There are a number of activities planned nationwide throughout the month and TV shows are also incorporating Autism into their programming. Sunday’s Secret Millionaire featured The Sean Ashley House – an organization for autistic children in Houston. Secret Millionaires Gary and Diane Heavin (founders of Curves […]

Happy Seattle-versary!

On April 1st, 1991 I left my apartment in Portland, Oregon and headed north on Interstate 5 to my new home, Seattle. It was a move I was excited to make because I felt a connection to Seattle and the area that I never was able to quite make in Portland. Having grown up in […]