Happy Birthday To My Amazing and Beautiful Wife!

It’s an image I’ll never forget and was as symbolic and prophetic as any I’d experienced. It was the first official day of our honeymoon. Standing on a sunny sidewalk in Athens and blinking my eyes against the glare of the sun and effects of jet lag, I watched Renee pull the heavy backpack onto […]

Ty’s first Ducks game – it was awesome!

Saturday one of my dreams came true when I took Ty to his first football game along with my Dad. It was really a special moment and occasion – and one I have been anticipating for a very long time.  Given my own love of sports, it's only natural that I'd want to share the […]

How I Choose To Remember 9/11/01

I’ve been debating whether or not to write a blog post devoted entirely to 9/11 on the 10 year anniversary of that horrible day. There has been so much written, shared, tweeted, blogged, and broadcast in the days leading up to today that I wasn’t sure what more I could add – other than my […]

Confusion and Concern: Who Put Stone On The Kindergarten Bus???

While our first day of Kindergarten for Ty and Stone was fairly uneventful (other than the eventfulness of it being their first day), the same can't be said for day number two.  Everything started off normally enough. We got the boys ready for school and Hany dropped them off at their respective locations. Since Stone's […]