Why I Needed My Bay Area Break

Last Thursday I made my annual pilgrimage to the San Francisco Bay Area for a long weekend. This is an important trip for me as it provides me with an opportunity to spend treasured time with my Mom and family – as well as catch up with friends in the area and do some business […]

What its like raising a 5 year old boy with Autism (Part 2)

In an earlier post I wrote about some of the special challenges that go into raising a son with Autism and focused on the diet, supplement and vitamin protocol we're following to try to help Stone's developmental issues.  There is another aspect of raising a child with Autism that has more of an impact and […]

How smart is our dog Brodie?

Well, it depends. There are times he seems very smart and conniving. And other times, well, you watch the video and judge for yourself.  Posted via email from davidkaufer’s posterous

What’s it like raising a 5 year old with Autism?

Autism is now so pervasive – and awareness has been raised so much – that its safe to say that nearly every American adult now has some connection to it. It may be a co-worker, relative or friend – but chances are they know someone who has a child who is on the spectrum. I […]