Have you heard of Kickstarter? It’s this very cool online tool that allows start-up companies to raise money online. It’s the ultimate crowd-source utility for entrepreneurs (and something I wish existed 5 years ago when I was trying to launch GreenforGood.com).
A few years ago (when I was working on GreenforGood and heaviliy involved in the Green/Sustainability movement), I had the opportunity to meet Amy Tucker, founder of Xeko Games. Xeko was a very cool idea and concept – it’s goal was to help educate kids about the hundreds of threatened species that exist globally – in the form of a card game.
Amy recently announced that she was bringing Xeko back as an online game that could be played on Facebook and other platforms – but to make the transition possible, she needed to raise funds to pay for the development and relaunch. I just want to say that I love and respect this woman’s energy and passion. She is putting everything she has into this new concept and is agonizingly close to her goal of raising $250,000 through her own Kickstarter campaign.
How committed is she? Check out this great video she just produced (yes, she is really dressed like a caterpillar) announcing the launch of a new petition to officially decree that EXTINCTION SUCKS:
Go Amy! And if you can chip in a few bucks to help this worthy cause, you can do so here! And of course, please share this link with others who share this passion and commitment!