What began as a college and social networking experiment has become a viable marketing tool for companies of all types and sizes. Small business owners and professional marketing managers have begun to realize that Facebook can be also be shaped into a powerful advertising and marketing tool.
The Facebook Marketing Lesson For Brands
New research from a variety of reliable social networking sources has indicated that there are a plethora of reasons Facebook members may decide to either add friend connections or remove them from their user accounts. Just as easily as someone or a company may be included for a real-life reason, they can also be excluded.
Reasons for un-friending an entity or person are many fold. For example, one of the top reasons for Facebook disassociation is for making distasteful comments. Companies could be just as easily cited for this offense – say, if a business engages in controversial advertising campaigns. In today’s marketplace, organizations are being held accountable for their behavior in ways that heretofore weren’t really an issue.
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